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Badsey First School

Badsey First School


First Aid Policy 2022/23Policies

The Gloucestershire Learning Alliance, our multi-academy trust, is responsible for policies for all schools in the trust. These are regularly reviewed by the Trust Board. All key policies are stored on this website and can be accessed here:

Click this link to policies on the GLA Trust Website

GLA Trust Attendance Policy 2024-25

GLA Trust Admissions Policy 2024-25

GLA Trust Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Managing Unacceptable Behaviour from Parents and Visitors May 2023

BFS Accessibility Policy 2023


We also have a series of handbooks which provide guidance specific to our school based on the systems and needs of our setting. Links to the key handbooks are below:

GLA Trust Safeguarding Handbook

Badsey Attendance Handbook 2023

GLA Trust Behaviour Handbook

 GLA Trust Anti-Bullying Hate-Crime Policy Handbook 2023-24

Printed copies of any GLA Trust Policy or Badsey First School Handbook are available on request from the School Office.