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Badsey First School

Badsey First School


Our intent:

At Badsey First School, we aim to provide children with the knowledge to embrace and understand cultures from around the world, providing them with the respect and tolerance they need to navigate an ever-evolving and diverse world. Teachers seek out opportunities to enrich the children’s experiences through external visitors from a range of cultures and religions as well as utilising our local area for off-site visits to a variety of places of worship.

The Badsey First School RE Curriculum engages children in understanding the world in which we live today, providing them with the awareness and knowledge that they need in order to flourish within it. Based on the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus, our aim is for all children to aspire to become open-minded, confident individuals. RE is an essential area of study which ensures that children are well-prepared for life in a world where there is a multitude of viewpoints. We enable our children to explore their own spirituality and voice their own views in a safe and open environment, regardless of their family background, personal beliefs or practises.


Please find the RE overview here.

At Badsey we follow the Worcestershire agreed RE Syllabus. You can find it here.