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Badsey First School

Badsey First School


Reception Class - Owl

 Welcome to the Reception Class web page!

We welcome you to EYFS   



Mrs Williams is the class teacher Monday-Wednesday and Mrs Elsdon is the class teacher Wednesday-Friday.  Miss Owen and Miss Allcock are our support staff.


Please find our overview for this academic year here 


News from EyFS

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a lovely half term and are ready for the pace of the final half term! Where has the year gone?!

We will continue to revisit and consolidate our phonics knowledge. Please continue to practise any gaps we have identified at home and read as much as you can; remembering to sign the reading record. It is important to continue the hard work that has taken place the rest of the year!

We will be consolidating some of our mathematical knowledge, spatial reasoning, Numbers to 20 and pattern.

In writing we will be using the story "Handa's Surprise" to explore other countries and cultures. Learning new vocabulary and using the text to inspire our writing. We will use this text to inspire our art work and creative constructions too.

We will continue to visit the library on a Monday, please remember to bring in your library book if you would like to change it.  Forest School will continue to take place every Monday afternoon. Bikeablity continues and will be on a Wednesday morning. PE is on a Friday this term. Please ensure you wear the correct kit as we had a lot of children arriving at school in non-uniform last term.

Monday and Wednesday- children will need to wear jogging bottoms and their school jumpers 

Friday- Children to come to school in their PE Kit.







Forest School-Making bird feeders

 Junk Modelling Giant's Castles

Forest School- Bug Hotels

Reception and Nursery together afternoon

World Book Day 2024 Photos- Click here!

Chinese New Year Photos -Click here!

Smart Trees Trip Photos -Click here!

Christmas Sing along and Craft Workshop- Click here!

Forest School Workshop Photographs-Click here!

 Fire Engine Photographs-Click here!

Den Building in Forest School


Phonics Resources


grapheme sheet phase 2.pdf


Below is a link to an ELS video which demonstrates the correct pronunciation of our first phase of sounds.

ELS Phase 2 sound pronunciation video





The Curriculum

The EYFS recognises that children need to be able to use concrete experiences to provide the building blocks for their learning. Based on this, the learning ethos behind EYFS encourages a mix of play-based and adult led learning. 

Here are some documents you might find useful to have a look at to help your understanding of the EYFS curriculum and how best to support your child in their first year at Badsey First School.

welcome booklet badsey 2324.pdf


eyfs maths overview 23 24 1 .pdf





Helpful Website Links to access if you at home.